From top to bottom: NSMN 1 (oil on canvas), NSMN 2 (etching, 6 x 10 cm, from a larger series) and NSMN 3 (woodcut) - all from the nineties and from my archives, which I'm cleaning up a little during this lockdown. Over the years I've always been intrigued by this 'subject' and I frequently made series of drawings and paintings of it. As a young kid, around 7, I already had a miniature skull-toy which I carried with me when I went to school. I have no clue were I got the toy. These works are called 'NSMN' (insomnia). I should write a short text about the subject that fascinated me for years. The first real, human skull I ever saw, was probably at the weekend-art school, which I attended from my six years on.